
A Little About Me...

Let me start by saying I am being forced against my will to participate in this post apocalyptic mating call called online dating. But my captor, Leslie, says I owe her about a 1,000 favors and apparently me dating is somehow her business she imagines.

So be it. Where to begin? She says I should say something about myself. I already know about myself so that seems pointless. You should tell me about you, like what can you cook, and how many points was the largest buck you’ve killed? How many bacon wrapped shrimp can you eat in one sitting? Mmmmm, bacon wrapped shrimp. Almost as good as a side of beef, rare, with a dozen eggs and a tall glass of 16 year old Lagavulin scotch to wash it down.

Recipe Cards

As a food enthusiast, I enjoy to spread my love for steak, bacon, and eggs. That being said, I shun vegans and all things green or healthy. At the bottom of this page is the recipe for one of my favorite meals.

 Picture of Cut Wood

Woodworking. Like any man I know how to work with wood. Like I always say, better to scribe a line with a scratch awl once than have to pull out a double edged flush cut razorsaw.

Picture of steak and whiskey

I love everything that is bourbon, scotch, and whiskey. My personal favorite is Lagavulin. It is very precious to me and I like to call it: "Nectar of the gods."


Using a thin-cut bacon, take three slices and braid them into one thicker piece of bacon.

Do this 7 more times, until you have enough bacon to create a wreath large enough to encircle a dozen fried eggs.

Painstakingly join sections of bacon together so they appear to be seamless, creating one long braid of bacon to be formed into a wreath on a large baking sheet. (Good luck with this.)

Bake bacon in 450 degree oven until done, 25-30 minutes. Cook one dozen eggs (sunny side up) in melted butter in an iron skillet – just like the skillets our forefathers used.

Slide eggs effortlessly onto a large round platter and surround with bacon wreath. Salt heavily and serve immediately with extra toast and butter.

Bacon N Eggs

  • 2 pounds bacon
  • 1 dozen eggs
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • salt and pepper

1: if it’s for me, 6-8 for those with less hearty appetites.

Prep Time

25 minutes to cook the bacon in the oven, 6 hours to braid the bacon into a wreath, but well worth it